Georges River Weir, Ingleburn, NSW, Australia
Posted by: Aussiebrian
S 34° 00.412 E 150° 53.295
56H E 304983 N 6235072
The weir at Ingleburn provides a convenient place to fish along this quiet spot on the Georges River.
Waymark Code: WM19BXP
Location: New South Wales, Australia
Date Posted: 01/19/2024
Views: 1
In the freshwater section of the Georges River, Australian bass can be caught between Liverpool Weir and ‘The Basin’ in Kentlyn. The weir is one of the places where fish can be found but a boat or kayak will be challenging to launch here.
In fishing circles, the river is recognised as hosting a healthy population of Australian bass, a popular native sport fish. Even more exciting the threatened Macquarie Perch was found in the river in 2011 for the first time in 100 years. Australian bass have an annual fishing closure during their spawning time (May – September)
Recreational Fishing requires a licence and Yabby Nets are not allowed.
Platapus can be found along the river here and signs to remind fishers to take care when disposing of lines. A small bin is placed on the bank to dispose of used lines.
Recommended tackle: Good natural freshwater fishing baits include worms, leeches, minnows, crayfish, crickets and grasshoppers.
 Recommended fishing methods: All types of lines will be suitable as fish are generally smalll=.
 Boat required: no
 Catch and Release Only: no
 FlyFishing Only: no
 Parking or Launch Coordinates: Not Listed
 USGS Real-Time Water Data: Not listed

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