201 Lincoln St. - Beckley, WV
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member bobfrapples8
N 37° 46.577 W 081° 10.585
17S E 484464 N 4181009
This Newport 2 bedroom is located in Beckley, West Virgina.
Waymark Code: WM18PQN
Location: West Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 09/06/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 2

This Newport 2 bedroom is located at 201 Lincoln St, Beckley, WV 25801. It is in pretty decent shape. The decorative zig-zag porch accent is visitble. The only external modification visible is a backyard chainlink fence. The exterior color is listed as blue but it has either faded really badly or is more of a cream now.
Lustron Model: Newport

Serial Number: Unknown

Number of bedrooms: 2

Exterior Color: Blue

Garage: no

Breezeway: no

Visible Modifications: Fence

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At least 1 quality original photograph (you or GPS, optional).
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