Site of Fort McGraw - Lander, Wyoming
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member
N 42° 51.104 W 108° 41.764
12T E 688244 N 4746925
This stone and concrete monument, erected by the Boy Scouts of America, marks the historic site of Fort Magraw (aka Fort Thompson) outside of Lander, Wyoming.
Waymark Code: WM18MTB
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 08/25/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
Views: 0

The text on the marker reads:

Rendezvous of
1812 - 1835
Marker Name: Site of Fort McGraw

Marker Type: Rural Roadside

Addtional Information:
Camp Magraw was not so much a site for the rendezvous of scouts and trappers, as this marker indicates, but rather the winter camp of road builders and their engineering leadership who's mission was to improve the westward-bound emigrant wagon roads (namely, the Oregon Trail). This site may well have been a rendezvous location in the years preceding 1857, as the marker indicates, but the name of Camp Magraw/Fort Thompson was not recognized in this area until the arrival of wintering of crews assigned to the the improvement of the Oregon Trail in 1857.

Group Responsible for Placement: Boy Scouts of America

Date Dedicated: Not Listed

Marker Number: Not Listed

Web link(s) for additional information: [Web Link]

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