Gamla Stans Polkagris Kokeri - Stockholm, Sweden
N 59° 19.399 E 018° 04.245
34V E 333323 N 6579720
In Gamla Stan's Polkagris candy shop, you can see the making of the famous Polkagris. A Taffy Pulling Machine is used for this.
Waymark Code: WM18JJ4
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Date Posted: 08/11/2023
Views: 8
In Gamla Stan's Polkagris candy shop, you can see the making of the famous Polkagris. A Taffy Pulling Machine is used for this.
"Polkagris" is a traditional Swedish peppermint-tasting candy, mostly in red and white stripes.
The name "Polkagris" literally means "polka pig." Polka is a lively Slavic swirling dance and "gris" means pig.
The recipe for Polkagris is very old. The poor widow Amalia Eriksson started making them in 1859 in Gränna in Sweden and kept the recipe a secret. The Polkagris quickly became very popular, and it ended up as a whole industry. The Polkagris is so popular that the small town of Gränna is visited by millions of tourists every year who want to see and buy Polkagris. (
visit link)
The first store making Polkagris outside of Gränna opened in the summer of 2011, on Lilla Nygatan 10 in the Old town of Stockholm.
It is an nice experience to see how the "Polkagrisen" is made. From the beginning where sugar and water are boiled together and kneaded, first by hand and then in the Taffy Pulling Machine, where the mass is pulled and becomes larger and larger. After this, the mass is drawn further again and when it starts to cool, it is cut into smaller pieces. And of course tastings are offered.
Gamla Stans Polkagris Kokeri (
visit link)