Eightmile River - Chapman Falls - East Haddam, CT
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member childofatom
N 41° 29.050 W 072° 20.518
18T E 721910 N 4595916
A scenic waterfall along the Eightmile River in Devil's Hopyard State Park.
Waymark Code: WM189MW
Location: Connecticut, United States
Date Posted: 06/24/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Alfouine
Views: 3

The Eightmile River Watershed features over 150 miles of pristine rivers and streams and 62 square miles of relatively undeveloped rural land. The watershed contains large areas of unfragmented habitat, an array of rare and diverse wildlife, scenic vistas, high water quality, unimpeded stream flow, and significant cultural features.

A tributary to the Connecticut River, the Eightmile River’s confluence with the Connecticut River is approximately eight miles upstream from where that river meets the Long Island Sound, hence its name. This area was spared intense maritime industrialization after World War II due to the restrictive and shifting sandbars at the mouth of the Connecticut River, helping to preserve this natural wild river.

In 2008, the diligent work of local preservationists was rewarded and the Eightmile River Watershed was officially designated the nation’s 12th Wild and Scenic Partnership River. The Watershed now resides under the protection of the Eightmile River Wild and Scenic Coordinating Committee, which is made up of members appointed by local land trusts and municipalities, The Nature Conservancy, the Connecticut Department of Environment Protection, and the National Park Service.

In order to be considered for Wild and Scenic River designation the river must have at least one resource of outstanding value. The committee determined that Eightmile River had six of these outstanding resources.

Eightmile is one of only four Wild and Scenic Rivers in Connecticut, and one of only 13 in New England.
WILD: yes

Number of WILD miles: 25.3


Number of SCENIC miles: 25.3


River Link: [Web Link]

Number of RECREATIONAL miles: Not listed

Support documentation: Not listed

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chrissyml visited Eightmile River - Chapman Falls - East Haddam, CT 07/24/2020 chrissyml visited it