Former Burger Chef - 5404 S University - Little Rock, AR
Posted by:
The Snowdog
N 34° 42.038 W 092° 20.735
15S E 559934 N 3840040
This former Burger Chef location is now a used-car dealer - in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Waymark Code: WM185QY
Location: Arkansas, United States
Date Posted: 06/04/2023
Views: 0
This former Burger Chef location is now a used-car dealer. Unfortunately, the store is behind a chain-link fence and on the day of my visit I could only take photos through the fence.
What is the street address of this location: 5404 S University Ave, Little Rock, AR 72209
 What is this Burger Chef used as today?: Used-Car Dealer

Visit Instructions:
Please post at least one original photo of your visit. We realize that some of these locations may be abandoned so a single photos is acceptable. Try to photograph different aspects or angles of the facility or site. We also encourage you to share your personal recollections of the site or Burger Chef in General.
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