N2JDW - New York, NY
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member childofatom
N 40° 50.499 W 073° 56.345
18T E 589438 N 4521720
Located atop the apartment building at the corner of 169th and Broadway on the North West corner.
Waymark Code: WM184EK
Location: New York, United States
Date Posted: 05/28/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member wayfrog
Views: 2

Operated as part of the FDNY Amateur Radio Group.

NYC Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Service: Mon at 20:30.
NYDXA SWL and Scanner Listeners Net: Wed at 21:00.
K2IRT NYC Transit Authority: Thu at 20:00
Repeater Call Sign: N2JDW

Output Frequency: 147.00

Input Frequency: 148.00

Input/Output Tone: Unknown whether tone is required for input or encoded on output.

Input Tone: 136.5

Output Tone: 123.0

Output Power: 110.00

Antenna height (above average terrain): 70.00

Club Web Page: [Web Link]

IRLP: Not Listed

IRLP Node ID: Not listed

Echolink: Not Listed

Echolink Node Number: Not listed

D-STAR: Not Listed

Visit Instructions:
Not ham operator: Obtain geographical proximity to repeater site and post relevant picture with log. CAUTION: Observe posted KEEP OUT signs to prevent exposure to high levels of RF emissions. Do not climb towers. Do not trespass. Ham operator: Complete a QSO on the repeater. Requirements: Your call, the other station's call, signal report from other station, your location relative to repeater (GPS coordinates, or bearing/distance), transmit power.
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