Liberia - Manassas, Virginia
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member flyingmoose
N 38° 46.008 W 077° 27.664
18S E 286179 N 4293775
Located at the parking for the Liberia House Historic Site.
Waymark Code: WM17YH1
Location: Virginia, United States
Date Posted: 04/21/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member iconions
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Countless people have passed through the doors of Liberia, but none were as well-known as Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln. Davis watched the First Battle of Manassas on July 21, 1861, and then came here to Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard's headquarters to meet with him and Gen. Joseph E. Johnston before returning to Richmond on July 23. Lincoln came here on June 19, 1862, to visit Gen. Irvin McDowell, who was recovering after his horse fell on him. Ice cream—a scarce and expensive treat—may have been served on the back porch.

Lesser-known men also have left their mark, literally. Restoration work revealed numerous signatures on the walls upstairs, written by soldiers in Union regiments stationed here. This desire to be remembered, to say "I was here," was partly inspired by the knowledge that death was a constant companion on the battlefield.

Liberia is more than just its Civil War history. A family was raised here, enslaved people were held in bondage here, and a beer baron from Alexandria operated a dairy farm on the property. Find out more as you walk these grounds.
Type of site: Historic Home

8601 Portner Avenue
Manassas, Virginia United States of America

Phone Number: +17033681873

Admission Charged: No Charge

Website: [Web Link]

Driving Directions: Not listed

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