Hillsboro Hawks Football Helmet - St. Louis, MO
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member YoSam.
N 38° 37.743 W 090° 11.995
15S E 743746 N 4279333
Display and memorial inside the Soldiers Memorial.
Waymark Code: WM17QQM
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 03/25/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Geo Ferret
Views: 0

County of display: St. Louis Independent City
Location of display: Chestnut St., Soldiers Memorial Museum, E section, St. Louis
Display a gift of Hillsboro R-3 School District

Marker Text:

Hillsboro Hawks football helmet, 2021
This helmet was worn by Hillsboro High School football player Austin Romaine during the 2021 season. It is adorned with stickers celebrating his football accomplishments as well as a POW-MIA sticker and the "Hawk Zero Two" call sign of US Air Force First Lieutenant Michael Blassie, a St. Louisan who had been previously designated MIA in the Vietnam War before his remain were identified by DNA testing. The entire Hillsboro School District has embraced the "never Forget" mission of the Jefferson Barracks POW-MIA Museum and was selected as the county's first POW-MIA Designated Campus, bringing contemporary awareness to the POW-MIA story.

Web link: [Web Link]

History of Mark: Not listed

Additional point: Not Listed

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