Time & Temperature - Politechnika Poznanska - Poznan, Poland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member sernikk
N 52° 24.116 E 016° 57.002
33U E 632661 N 5807532
Time & Temperature at the Poznan University of Technology
Waymark Code: WM17E8F
Location: Wielkopolskie, Poland
Date Posted: 02/05/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 3

Wyświetlacz podwójny ukazujący aktualną godzinę oraz temperaturę (naprzemiennie) znajdujący się na dachu jednego z budynków Politechniki Poznańskiej. Jest on dwuczęściowy, narożny i wyświetla na obu wyświetlaczach to samo. Temperatura ukazywana jest rzadziej niż godzina.

A dual display showing the current time and temperature (alternately) is located on the roof of one of the buildings of the Poznan University of Technology. It is a two-part corner display and shows the same thing on both displays. The temperature is shown less frequently than the hour.

Web Address: [Web Link]

Physical Address:
Piotrowo 3
Poznań, Wielkopolskie Poland

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Visit Instructions:
To log a visit of a Time and Temperature Sign Waymark the following requirements shall be meet by the visitor:

1. Photo displaying current time and current temperature at the time of visit.

2. May be one photo displaying both time and temperature or two photos, each displaying current time or temperature.

3. Camera and cell phone photos are acceptable.
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