la historia de la casa encantada, casa Ram, Alcañiz, Teruel, Aragón, España
Posted by: GemaAdri
N 41° 03.046 W 000° 07.973
30T E 740957 N 4548353
Una leyenda reciente considera que esa casa está "encantada" como consecuencia de un acto sacrílego realizado por uno de sus habitantes
Waymark Code: WM17CH1
Location: Aragón, Spain
Date Posted: 01/26/2023
Views: 3
Como es bien sabido la tradición alcañizana asocia este singular edificio con una casa encantada, embrujada o excomulgada cuyo largo abandono e imposibilidad de habitación fue provocado supuestamente por un acto sacrílego del que se conocen distintas versiones. Hacia 1965, decía que un antiguo habitante de la Casa Ram, tras comulgar en la iglesia de los Escolapios, guardó la sagrada forma en un pañuelo para llevarla intacta a su vivienda. Una vez allí, en la cocina, frió la hostia en una sartén y después la clavó en la pared. Aquello fue más que suficiente para que la casa estallase en medio de un pavoroso incendio al mismo tiempo que se oía el ruido de pesadas cadenas bajando por las escaleras.
Del palacio original de época bajomedieval todavía se conservan en la fachada varias hiladas de sillares de arenisca con marcas de cantero similares a las de otros edificios góticos de la ciudad.
No conocemos datos seguros sobre la superficie que ocupó el antiguo palacio de la familia Ram del que solo se conserva hoy su fachada, hoy es un aparcamiento público, ¿TE ATREVES A DEJAR AQUÍ TU COCHE?
As is well known, the Alcañizana tradition associates this singular building with an enchanted, haunted or excommunicated house whose long abandonment and impossibility of habitation was supposedly caused by a sacrilegious act of which different versions are known. Around 1965, it said that a former inhabitant of Casa Ram, after receiving communion in the Piarist church, kept the sacred form in a handkerchief to take it home intact. Once there, in the kitchen, he fried the host in a frying pan and then nailed it to the wall. That was more than enough for the house to explode in the middle of a terrifying fire at the same time that the noise of heavy chains was heard coming down the stairs.
From the original late-medieval palace, several rows of sandstone ashlars with stonemason's marks similar to those of other Gothic buildings in the city are still preserved on the façade.
We do not know certain data about the area occupied by the old palace of the Ram family of which only its façade remains today, today it is a public car park, DO YOU DARE LEAVE YOUR CAR HERE?
Public access?: acceso público, es un parking público
Visting hours: 24 horas
Website about the location and/or story: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. Photos you took of paranormal activity are great. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit
Tell your story if you saw, felt, or smelled anything unusual. Post pictures of what you saw.
Add any information you may have about the location. If your information is important about the location, please contact the waymark owner to see if it can be added to the description.
Be careful and do not enter areas which are off limits or look dangerous. No waymark is worth harm. Use your 6th sense, because sometimes there are unseen things which are telling you to stay out.
Use care when using your camera flash so you do not disrupt any possible nearby residents. Time lapse can be the best tool on your camera in many circumstances.