Vogelkijkhut Duinmeer - Ameland, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member h35per05
N 53° 27.639 E 005° 39.179
31U E 676123 N 5926793
Bird watching cabin at the edge of a dune lake, just north of Hollum.
Waymark Code: WM179ZA
Location: Friesland, Netherlands
Date Posted: 01/10/2023
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 5

Bird watching cabin at the edge of a dune lake. The area is constantly changing at the forces of nature. Originally the water front was seaside but over time sand dunes have formed enclosing the water area. Naturally a variety of sea birds can be observed at the right times :) The cabin is managed by Staatsbosbeheer. The interior of the cabin is decorated with information about the land origin as well as a couple of bird identification pictures.
Location is about 2km NE from the Ameland lighthouse.

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