Stred Prahy - Prague, Czechia
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N 50° 05.670 E 014° 28.838
33U E 462851 N 5549266
CZ: Tento sloupek oznacuje stred Prahy.
EN: This pillar marks the geographical center of Prague.
Waymark Code: WM178TF
Location: Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Date Posted: 01/04/2023
Views: 11
CZ: Jednotlivé póly jsou nejvzdálenejší body Prahy ve smeru jednotlivých svetových stran. Urcují je hranice mezi hl. mestem Prahou a Stredoceským krajem. Stred Prahy je dán bodem, kde se protíná hranice S a J, respektive Z a V bodu.
Sloupek je k videní na detském hrišti Na Balkáne.
EN: The individual poles are the farthest points of Prague in the direction of the individual cardinal points. They are determined by the boundaries between the city of Prague and the Central Bohemian Region. The center of Prague is given by the point where the N and S borders intersect, respectively the W and E points.
The pillar is located on children's playground Na Balkáne.
Visit Instructions:
Photos of you with your GPSr and the marker you are Waymarking.