Den hovedløse mand på Hollufgård - Odense, Denmark
N 55° 21.260 E 010° 26.468
32U E 591369 N 6135167
Det spøger på den fynske herregård Hollufgård. Hver højtidsaften vandrer en sort, hovedløs mand fra alvsgården over til hovedbygningen. Det er en af de tidligere ejere, der har behandlet sine undersåtter dårligt og nu må gå igen til evig tid.
Waymark Code: WM170Z6
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 11/17/2022
Views: 1
Det spøger på den fynske herregård Hollufgård. To hvide damer danser rundt der ved midnatstide, men ingen lyd høres. Hver højtidsaften vandrer en sort, hovedløs mand fra alvsgården over til hovedbygningen. Det er en af de tidligere ejere, der har behandlet sine undersåtter dårligt og nu må gå igen til evig tid.
I mejeriet er der ligeledes gespenster. Der rumsteres med kar og spande, og når man ser efter, hvad der sker, er der ingen at se. Og endelig bør det nævnes, at flere har hørt en karet køre ind på pladsen uden, at der var nogen at se.
Hollufgård nævnes for første gang i skriftlige kilder i 1480'erne. Den får sin nuværende hovedbygning i 1577, hvor den opføres for Jørgen Marsviin af Peter de Dunker. Der er tre tårne mod gårdspladsen, to små hængetårne mod haven og to karnapper. I 1829 fjernes hængetårne og karnapper mens hovedbygningen får sidefløj mod nord og øst året efter. Avlsgården er af nyere dato.
English: It haunts the Funen manor Hollufgård. Two white ladies dance around there at midnight, but no sound is heard. Every festive evening, a black, headless man wanders from the elves' farm to the main building. It is one of the former owners who treated his subjects badly and now must go again forever.
There are also gespenster in the dairy. There is rummaging around with tubs and buckets, and when you look to see what is happening, there is no one to be seen. And finally, it should be mentioned that several people have heard a carriage drive into the square without anyone being seen.
Hollufgård is mentioned for the first time in written sources in the 1480s. It got its current main building in 1577, when it was built for Jørgen Marsviin by Peter de Dunker. There are three towers facing the courtyard, two small hanging towers facing the garden and two bay windows. In 1829, hanging towers and bay windows are removed, while the main building gets side wings to the north and east the following year. The breeding farm is of recent date.
Public access?: Public access to the grounds and garden but not to the manor itself.
 Visting hours: All day
 Website about the location and/or story: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. Photos you took of paranormal activity are great. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit
Tell your story if you saw, felt, or smelled anything unusual. Post pictures of what you saw.
Add any information you may have about the location. If your information is important about the location, please contact the waymark owner to see if it can be added to the description.
Be careful and do not enter areas which are off limits or look dangerous. No waymark is worth harm. Use your 6th sense, because sometimes there are unseen things which are telling you to stay out.
Use care when using your camera flash so you do not disrupt any possible nearby residents. Time lapse can be the best tool on your camera in many circumstances.
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