Carillion AMVETS - Margraten, The Netherlands
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N 50° 49.052 E 005° 48.287
31U E 697565 N 5633283
In the chapel at the American Cemetery and Memorial in Margraten the AMVETS have dedicated this carillon, like a living memorial, to American veterans who made the supreme sacrifice for Freedom
Waymark Code: WM16X5N
Location: Limburg, Netherlands
Date Posted: 10/22/2022
Views: 10

About the AMVETS carrillion programme (according to the AMVETS website:)
"The AMVETS Memorial Carillon program that is a truly unique an ongoing living memorial to our Nation’s deceased veterans. The history of the program dates back to 1948 when AMVETS sought an appropriate memorial to honor those who had given their lives in World War II. After studying the tributes presented by other organizations and groups memorializing the dead of other wars, AMVETS decided that a “living” memorial, a carillon whose bells, symbolic of Thomas Jefferson’s historic words, “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”, tolling as a constant reminder would be the most appropriate. A carillon would not only affirm that the sacrifices made by those who died were not in vain, but would also serve to remind us of our legacy and of our debt to those who fought to preserve freedom throughout the world."
Source: (visit link)

About the music played by the carillion:
"The carillon plays every hour between 9 am and 5 pm. Every even hour it plays a selection of patriotic hymns. At 3 pm it plays Do you remember and the anthems of the Netherlands and Limburg. By
request the American anthem can also be played.
At 4.40 pm each day the Volleys and Taps signal is played and -if possiblethe flag is lowered simultaneously. "
Source: (visit link)

About the chapel
The chapel is located at the end of the Walls of the Missing when you enter the Margraten cemetery. It is the high structure and the entrance is at the cemetery side. The entrance has a very nice door on it. It is a golden door tree on a glass door. Above the door is the text : "In Memory of the Valor and the Sacrifies which Hallow this Soil * * * "
The chapel itself is quite sober. A small wooden benches for prayer and contemplation. Also a few candles and small wooden altar.

About the American Military Cemetery and Memorial:
"American Cemetery and Memorial, is an American military cemetery and memorial in memory of the deceased soldiers of the United States of America at the time of the battle in South Limburg, the Ardennes Offensive and in the Ruhr area , during World War II"
Source: (visit link)
Type of Site: AMVETS Post

Post Number and/or Name: American Cemetery and Memorial

Amerikaanse Begraafplaats 1
Margraten, Limburg The Netherlands

Relevant Web Site: [Web Link]

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