Hobdy's Bridge: Last Indian Battles in Alabama - Banks,AL
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N 31° 47.175 W 085° 40.235
16R E 625866 N 3517512
Located AL 130 near the Pea River.
Waymark Code: WM16ENN
Location: Alaska, United States
Date Posted: 07/15/2022
Views: 2
The Second Creek War of 1836 broke out when many Creek Indians resisted forced removal after an 1832 treaty ceded the last of their tribal lands in Alabama. As hostility increased between white settlers pouring into the area and Creeks who were reluctant to move to the West, the Pea River became a favored route for those Indians traveling south to seek sanctuary in a new homeland in Florida. State militia forces attacked and routed Creek Indians camped near here at Hobdy’s Bridge in February, and again in March of 1836.
Marker Name: Hobdy's Bridge: Last Indian Battles in Alabama
 Marker Type: Rural Roadside
 Addtional Information:: Erected by the Lower Creek Muscogee Tribe East, Star Clan, Inc. Alabama Historical Association
 Date Dedicated / Placed: 2008
 Marker Number: Not listed

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