You are here - Bukowska R4 Cycleway - Poznan, Poland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member sernikk
N 52° 24.729 E 016° 50.969
33U E 625793 N 5808489
You are here on a Cyclists Optimal Speed Indicator at R4 Cycleway
Waymark Code: WM16BZ6
Location: Wielkopolskie, Poland
Date Posted: 06/26/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 0

You are here on a minimap, depicted on a Cyclists Optimal Speed Indicator at R4 Cycleway. There is also the R4 route with points of interest along it shown, with the indication of the location where you are.
Location Name: Bukowska R4 Cycleway

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