Grzybowska street - Warsaw, Poland
Posted by: okrutnyb
N 52° 14.164 E 020° 59.839
34U E 499816 N 5787294
Grzybowska street which so happens to be also my surname.
Waymark Code: WM1696J
Location: Mazowieckie, Poland
Date Posted: 06/05/2022
Views: 12
[ENG] Grzybowski (or Grzybowska in the case of women) is quite a common surname. 17 575 people are called that way in Poland (including me). The name is not so popular for streets. There are 12 Grzybowska streets in Poland. The most significant one is defenitely in Warsaw city center. It is 2,5 km long and its history started in the middle ages. The street officially gained its name in 1770 and it was connected with the town Grzybów.
[PL] Nazwisko Grzybowski (i Grzybowska) jest calkiem powszechne. W Polsce nosi jest 17 575 osób (w tym ja). W przypadku ulic nazwa nie jest az tak popularna. W kraju mamy dokladnie 12 ulic o tej nazwie. Najwazniejsza z nich to z pewnoscia ulica Grzybowska w centrum Warszawy. Ulica ma 2,5 km, a jej historia siega Sredniowiecza. Swoja nazwe zyskala w 1770 roku i wziela sie od osady Grzybów.
Type of sign: Street sign
Visit Instructions:Any new pictures whould be great. Have fun with your log.
Especially let us know if you share a name with the sign as well. In that case, it would be great if you posted a pic of yourself with the sign!