Giant vending machine - Homoet, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member PetjeOp
N 51° 56.133 E 005° 47.392
31U E 691782 N 5757547
Indoor vending machine for food products
Waymark Code: WM16677
Location: Gelderland, Netherlands
Date Posted: 05/16/2022
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member pmaupin
Views: 11

vending machine for food like cheese, eggs, potatoes, fruit juice, milk, yogurt, meat and more.
You can type in your products and the machine wil release them.
You can pay with your card.
Type: Indoor

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zeepia visited Giant vending machine - Homoet, NL 10/15/2024 zeepia visited it
PetjeOp visited Giant vending machine - Homoet, NL 05/18/2022 PetjeOp visited it
T-Team! visited Giant vending machine - Homoet, NL 05/18/2022 T-Team! visited it

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