art & office - Stockholm, Sweden
N 59° 19.448 E 018° 04.164
34V E 333250 N 6579813
In art & office you can buy different Tintin figures
Waymark Code: WM15YPA
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Date Posted: 03/24/2022
Views: 9
In art & office you can buy different Tintin figures. Both Tintin, Terry, the rocket and the other well-known characters are for sale. In addition to figures, there are cartoons with Tintin, T-shirts and posters. So a really good store for all Tintin fans.
Type of waymark: Store
 Which title does the waymark relate to?: Not relevant
 Relevant website if any: [Web Link]
 Physical address of item/location: Stora Nygatan 27 Stockholm , 111 27
 Opening hours: From: 10:00 AM To: 6:00 PM
 A true Tintin fan?: I have read some of the comics/seen some of the films
 Other: Not listed
 Entrance fee: Not Listed

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