Park - Vejle Allested, Danmark
N 55° 16.328 E 010° 18.802
32U E 583442 N 6125860
Flere områder i Vejle Allested undersøges med metaldetektor. Måske kan man finde en skat.
Waymark Code: WM15YHF
Location: Region Syddanmark, Denmark
Date Posted: 03/23/2022
Views: 5
Flere områder i Vejle Allested undersøges med metaldetektor. Måske kan man finde en skat. Det store plæneområde ved siden af kirken har ikke været undersøgt før nu. Der er blevet fundet en ske, som er et par hundrede år gammel. Og en del almindelige ting som søm, en nyere mønt, et gammelt vandrør og ølkapsler.
Den ældste del af kirken er fra omkring år 1250. Det har altid været et offentligt område, og har tidligere været et sted hvor der også blev holdt markeder.
Several areas in Vejle Allested are being investigated with a metal detector. Maybe one can find a treasure. The large lawn area next to the church has not been explored until now. A spoon has been found which is a few hundred years old. And some common things like nails, a newer coin, an old water pipe and beer capsules.
The oldest part of the church is from around the year 1250. It has always been a public area, and has previously been a place where markets were also held.
Two people used metal detector and a third went with a shovel.
Date site was found: 03/22/2022
Description of item's found: A discarded water pipe
old nails, 1 coin from 1957
beer capsules
Land ownership: Public
Depth item was found: Not listed
Item rating: Not listed
Item condition: Not listed
Estimated value of item found: Not listed
Search this area again: Not listed
Item want list: Not listed
Comments about the item found: Not listed
Equipment used: Not listed
coin 1: Not listed
coin 2: Not listed
coin 3: Not listed
coin 4: Not listed
coin 5: Not listed
coin 6: Not listed
coin 7: Not listed
coin 8: Not listed
coin 9: Not listed
coin 10: Not listed
artefact 1: Not listed
artefact 2: Not listed
artefact 3: Not listed
artefact 4: Not listed
artefact 5: Not listed
artefact 6: Not listed
artefact 7: Not listed
artefact 8: Not listed
artefact 9: Not listed
artefact 10: Not listed
Location of find-address,city,state,zip,country,county: Not listed
Location notes: Not listed
Contact information of land owner: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Here are some guidelines, you can use to help you to log your waymarks, if you like. You can put a waymark at the centre of the site, or at the location of a random find, or at all your finds so you can put the Latitude and Longitude on a map to see where all your finds or at. The date item was found: Item rating-common,scarce,very rare: Item condition-poor,good,fine,vfine: Estimated value of item found: Item want list-sell,keep,trade: Description of item found: Comments about the item found: Lo