Archeologisch park De Rieten - Wijshagen, BE
Posted by: T-Team!
N 51° 05.993 E 005° 33.082
31U E 678631 N 5664028
This site was a Celtic burial site from the 4th century BC. Amongst others, Roman coins and metal urns/buckets have been found here. The childrens photocut on site out even hints that you have a chance of finding a treasure.
Waymark Code: WM15QAE
Location: Limburg, Belgium
Date Posted: 02/09/2022
Views: 4
"In the archaeological park De Rieten in Wijshagen you will discover the story of the people who lived in this region 2,400 years ago. A people of farmers, cattle breeders and craftsmen lived here. Their leaders had trade relations with the Celts from Central Europe.
Burial mounds were discovered here in 1984. The burial mounds contain riches made of pottery, iron, bronze and even gold. They tell us a fascinating piece of history. After all, this archaeological site was a burial place of the leaders of the people. Three elite graves, two simple graves, a Roman Shrine and a younger burial field with 44 graves have been uncovered here.
The three elite graves are the showpiece of the site. In it, the 'cista' and two 'situlae' were found. The cremation remains of one important person were placed in these 'buckets' at that time. They are now among the highlights of the Gallo-Roman Museum in Tongeren."
Source: (
visit link)
Further information added 30-5-2022:
Waymarker Axel-F highlighted that even though archeological findings have been found here in the past, metal detecting is not allowed here. I leave the waymark, for the purpose of showing the area / historical archeological significance, but please do not go digging here.
Date site was found: 01/01/1984
Search this area again: yes
Location of find-address,city,state,zip,country,county: Rietenstraat z/n, 3670 Oudsbergen
Land ownership: Public
Depth item was found: Not listed
Item rating: Not listed
Item condition: Not listed
Estimated value of item found: Not listed
Item want list: Not listed
Description of item's found: Not listed
Comments about the item found: Not listed
Equipment used: Not listed
coin 1: Not listed
coin 2: Not listed
coin 3: Not listed
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coin 6: Not listed
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coin 10: Not listed
artefact 1: Not listed
artefact 2: Not listed
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artefact 5: Not listed
artefact 6: Not listed
artefact 7: Not listed
artefact 8: Not listed
artefact 9: Not listed
artefact 10: Not listed
Location notes: Not listed
Contact information of land owner: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
Here are some guidelines, you can use to help you to log your waymarks, if you like. You can put a waymark at the centre of the site, or at the location of a random find, or at all your finds so you can put the Latitude and Longitude on a map to see where all your finds or at. The date item was found: Item rating-common,scarce,very rare: Item condition-poor,good,fine,vfine: Estimated value of item found: Item want list-sell,keep,trade: Description of item found: Comments about the item found: Lo