Staes - Van Zummeren - Turnhout, Belgium
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N 51° 19.673 E 004° 56.976
31U E 635830 N 5688091
The local entrepeneurs Ann Van Zummeren en Jan Staes have transformed their butchery / shop into a 24 hour vending machine. This is unique and a first for the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg) countries.
Waymark Code: WM15NEJ
Location: Antwerpen, Belgium
Date Posted: 01/27/2022
Views: 9
"Two years ago, we already started a vending machine shop and online orders, but I couldn't present my full range in the vending machines we had," says butcher Jan Staes. “We then looked for a solution to present more. When the two buildings next to our existing store became available, we seized the opportunity to purchase them and realize a larger store with vending machines in it.”
The fully automatic store 'Staes en local' now offers a wide range of food products. You can find goodies not only from our own butcher's shop, but also from several other producers in the area. For this, Staes – Van Zummeren works together with bakery Goris, fish shop De Weerelt, fruit & vegetables Vitta Veggie and chocolatier Pas.
Always open
“A big advantage is that this store is in principle open permanently, without me always having to be present,” says Jan Staes. “I didn't want to become a slave to my business. This formula also allows for better management of staff.” In the first few days, the butcher will still be at his vending machines, to help customers on their way. “For some it takes some getting used to, that's part of it. But once they've done it, most have left. It was also important for us to be able to start this before the holidays. That is our peak period and then I am no longer able to be present in the store. Now we have a few weeks to find out what to make and how much."
Source: (
visit link)
The 24h vending machine offers
- Meat
- Bread
- Drinks
- Meals (pasta/rice)
- Sandwiches
- Eggs
- Desserts
and many many more groceries