Flatiron Pza Alberto Mateos - Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Wizard_Speed_Time
N 38° 59.352 W 001° 50.925
30S E 599705 N 4316208
Edificio tipo flatiron ancho en Plaza Alberto Mateos, en Albacete - Wide flatiron building in Plaza Alberto Mateos, in Albacete
Waymark Code: WM15FDA
Location: Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Date Posted: 12/27/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member bluesnote
Views: 1

Edificio tipo Flatiron de corte ancho situado en una de las plazas más importantes de Albacete. Desde esta plaza parten siete calles. Esta da lugar a que los edificios anexos a la plaza sean de corte estrecho, siendo este edificio construido en ladrillo caravista uno de los más representativos.


Wide-cut Flatiron-type building located in one of the most important squares in Albacete. Seven streets start from this square. This gives rise to the buildings annexed to the square being narrow, being this building built in exposed brick one of the most representative

Current use of the building.: Private use

Web Address: Not listed

Date of construction.: Not listed

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Wizard_Speed_Time visited Flatiron Pza Alberto Mateos - Albacete, Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) 12/28/2021 Wizard_Speed_Time visited it