AMVETS HBA Club Post 7 - Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Posted by: 401Photos
N 42° 00.742 W 071° 30.088
19T E 292868 N 4654176
AMVETS HBA Club Post 7 is on Social Street in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. Its two-story building is home to a bar and a social hall.
Waymark Code: WM15E17
Location: Rhode Island, United States
Date Posted: 12/17/2021
Views: 0
AMVETS HBA Club Post 7 is on Social Street in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The club's stated mission is to "support our veterans and community." Based on the information gleaned from online, they consistently succeed in those goals. Recent activities listed include fundraising, flagging graves for Memorial Day, a blood drive, a deep sea fishing excursion, participating in the local Autumnfest parade, and hosting holiday parties.
Its two story building is in a residential section of the northern part of the city and less than a quarter mile south from the Massachusetts border. The main entrance is easy to spot with an illuminated sign hung above the sidewalk and a billowing American flag mural painted across the street-facing side of the front steps. The lower level is a bar and upstairs is a social hall available for rent.
Two former commanders, the late Bob Gaivin and Henry Plante, were honored with the dedication of a new flag pole in May 2021.
Monday through Friday: 13:00-01:00
Saturday: 11:00-01:00
Sunday: 12:00-01:00