Brownsburg Public Library Brownsburg, Indiana
Posted by: JimHoney
N 39° 50.581 W 086° 23.775
16S E 551653 N 4410508
The original Brownsburg Public Library was opened in 1918.
Waymark Code: WM15AV
Location: Indiana, United States
Date Posted: 01/20/2007
Views: 107
In 1916, Mr. Sylvester Moore and his wife Anne, felt that Brownsburg should have its own public library. Mr. Moore was superintendent of the Brownsburg schools. A committee consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. William Evans visited the Coatesville Library to learn how Brownsburg might secure a public library. Mr. Sanvorn, secretary of the Library Commission, helped them formulate their plans.
A number of taxpayers subscribed funds to start the project. The Carnegie Corporation provided a $12,500 gift, and money was borrowed from the local bank.
The corner stone was laid September 18, 1917. School was dismissed for the occasion. A year later the new library opened with 400 books. Ottie Roberts was the librarian until 1944.
Address of Library Building: 61 North Green Street Brownsburg, Indiana USA 46112
Current Use of Building: Brownsburg Chamber of Commerce Offices
Year Built (optional): 1918
Website about building: [Web Link]
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