Ghost officer of Sirkkala barracks - Turku, Finland
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N 60° 27.026 E 022° 17.268
34V E 570848 N 6702269
Russian Imperial Officer haunts on barracks. Venäjän keisarillinen upseeri kummittelee kasarmeissa.
Waymark Code: WM15AAM
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 11/21/2021
Views: 4
[FIN] Sirkkalan kasarmin alueella oli Suomen sisällissodan aikana vankileiri. Kevällä 1918 valkoiset joukot valtasivat Turun punakaartilta ja alue muutettiin vankileiriksi jossa oli 3300 vankia, joukossa 168 naista. Pakoa yrittäneet ammuttiin ja nälkään että tauteihin vankeja kuoli peräti 175. Eristysellit vankileirillä olivat erityisen huonossa maineessa. Niissä vangit sekosivat ja yhä kun kulkee entisen kasarmin portaikoissa, voi tuntea ahdistuneisuutta.
Kuoleman kasarmi on rakennettu alun perin Venäjän keisarillisille joukoille. Tästä ehkä johtuu alueella nähty haamu, joka on pukeutunut venäläisen upseerin univormuun. Kyseisen haamun voi parhaiten nähdä upseerikerhon tiloissa. Valitettavasti upseerikerhon ravintola on lopettanut toimintansa. Toivottavasti haamu saa nyt rauhansa tai joutuuko se etsimään toisen paikan ilmestymisilleen? Lähettyvillä on muistomerkki vankileirillä kuolleille. Lähde iltakävelylle ja käy katsomassa jos upseerin aave näkyisi jossain!
Waymark vie sinut kasarmin portille.
[EN] There was a prison camp in the Sirkkala barracks area during the Finnish Civil War. In the spring of 1918, white troops captured Turku from the Red Guards and the area was turned into a prison camp with 3,300 prisoners, including 168 women. As many as 175 prisoners were starved or died for diseases, only one was shot. The isolation cells in the prison camp had a particularly bad reputation. In them, the prisoners were confused and still as one walks through the stairs of the former barracks, one can feel anxious.
The Death Barracks was originally built for the Russian Imperial Forces. Perhaps this is the reason for the ghost seen in the area, dressed in the uniform of a Russian officer. That ghost can best be seen on the officers club premises. Unfortunately, the officers club restaurant has closed. Hopefully the ghost will get his peace now or will he have to look for another place for his appearances? Nearby is a monument for people who died here. Take a evening walk to see if officer can be seen there!
The waymark takes you into front of barracks gate.
Public access?: Don't go into courtyard during evenings. Too ghostly. During daytime it's ok. Älä mene sisäpihalle iltaisin. Liikaa aaveita. Päivisin se on ok.
 Visting hours: See public access.
 Website about the location and/or story: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. Photos you took of paranormal activity are great. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit
Tell your story if you saw, felt, or smelled anything unusual. Post pictures of what you saw.
Add any information you may have about the location. If your information is important about the location, please contact the waymark owner to see if it can be added to the description.
Be careful and do not enter areas which are off limits or look dangerous. No waymark is worth harm. Use your 6th sense, because sometimes there are unseen things which are telling you to stay out.
Use care when using your camera flash so you do not disrupt any possible nearby residents. Time lapse can be the best tool on your camera in many circumstances.