Vartiovuoren vesisäiliö - Turku, Finland
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N 60° 26.930 E 022° 16.628
34V E 570265 N 6702079
Ikäviä tapahtumia vesitornissa. Horrible events in the old water tower.
Waymark Code: WM15A62
Location: Finland
Date Posted: 11/20/2021
Views: 9
[FIN] Turun kaupungin entinen vesisäiliö ja pumppuhuone on aivan tähtitornin vieressä. Isona kumpareena näkyvä rakennelma on maan sisällä. Sen päällä oleva art nouveau-tyylinen pumppu- ja mittarirakennus on graniitista tehtyjen outojen delfiinipatsaiden kanssa jo aika pelottavan näköinen. Tässä vesisäiliössä tapahtui tragedia, minkä vuoksi pimeinä öinä voi kuulla vesisäiliön lähellä avunhuutoja sekä valitusta.
Suomen sisällissodan aikana punakaartilaiset olivat vanginneet muutaman valkoisen ja koska eivät voineet teloittaa heitä, oli nämä vankiparat teljetty vanhaan vesisäiliöön. Tarkoituksena oli hakea heidät pois myöhemmin. Valkoinen armeija kuitenkin valtasi Turun ja punakaartilaiset joutuivat vetäytymään kaupungista. Valitettavasti kertomatta kenellekään missä vangit olivat. Nääntyneiden sotilaiden ruumiit löytyivät vasta paljon myöhemmin.
[EN] The former water tank and pump room of the city of Turku is right next to the observatory. The structure visible part is small hill with door and ventilation shafts. The art nouveau-style pump and gauge building on top of it, with its strange dolphin statues made of granite, already looks pretty scary. There was a tragedy in this water tank, so on dark nights you can hear cries of help near the water tank as well as a eerie lamentation.
During the Finnish Civil War, the Red Soldiers had captured a few Whites and because they could not be executed, these prisoners were imprisoned in an old water tank. The intention was to pick them up later. However, the White Army captured Turku and the Red Army had to withdraw from the city. Unfortunately, without telling anyone where the prisoners were. The bodies of the starved soldiers were not found much later. Only bones were left of them.
Public access?: Inside the building cannot get. Rakennuksen sisälle ei pääse.
 Visting hours: Area is open 24/7.
 Website about the location and/or story: [Web Link]

Visit Instructions:
Please submit a photo(s) taken by you of your visit to the location (non-copyrighted photos only). GPS photos are also accepted with the location in the background, and old vacation photos are accepted. Photos you took of paranormal activity are great. If you are not able to provide a photo, then please describe your visit or give a story about the visit
Tell your story if you saw, felt, or smelled anything unusual. Post pictures of what you saw.
Add any information you may have about the location. If your information is important about the location, please contact the waymark owner to see if it can be added to the description.
Be careful and do not enter areas which are off limits or look dangerous. No waymark is worth harm. Use your 6th sense, because sometimes there are unseen things which are telling you to stay out.
Use care when using your camera flash so you do not disrupt any possible nearby residents. Time lapse can be the best tool on your camera in many circumstances.