Vasco da Gamastraat - Den Bosch, NL
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member T-Team!
N 51° 41.468 E 005° 16.091
31U E 656772 N 5729121
You can find the Vasco da Gamastraat on the south side of the city of Den Bosch in The Netherlands
Waymark Code: WM1581G
Location: Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
Date Posted: 11/04/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member razalas
Views: 5

The street sign reads:


Vasco da Gamastraat
1469-1524 Portugees. Ontdekker Zeeweg India


Vasco da Gama Street
1469-1524 Portuguese. Explorer Seaway India
Related website: Not listed

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zeepia visited Vasco da Gamastraat - Den Bosch, NL 10/15/2024 zeepia visited it