statue de la liberte -Gourin, Morbihan, France
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member keillec
N 48° 08.671 W 003° 36.605
30U E 454618 N 5332543
[FR)une statue de la liberte copie conforme [EN]a statue of liberty carbon copy
Waymark Code: WM14ZQJ
Location: Bretagne, France
Date Posted: 09/19/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member riston2
Views: 13

[FR] une statue de la liberte copie conforme dans le Domaine de Tronjoly.
parking a proximite et balade possible dans ce domaine

[EN] a statue of liberty, a true copy in the Domaine de Tronjoly.
parking nearby and possible walk in this area
Location: domaine de tronjoly

Pedestal?: No

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