Detectors in beach - Miño, A Coruña, Galicia, España
Posted by:
N 43° 21.286 W 008° 12.907
29T E 563605 N 4800511
Detectors in Miño
Waymark Code: WM14G5K
Location: Galicia, Spain
Date Posted: 07/03/2021
Views: 1
In the beach of Playa Grande in Miño, there are people thay look for metal threasures in this.
With the metal detectors machines, in the evening do they job.
Date site was found: 07/03/2021
 Land ownership: Public
 Contact information of land owner: Public. Council of Miño
 Depth item was found: Not listed
 Item rating: Not listed
 Item condition: Not listed
 Estimated value of item found: Not listed
 Search this area again: Not listed
 Item want list: Not listed
 Description of item's found: Not listed
 Comments about the item found: Not listed
 Equipment used: Not listed
 coin 1: Not listed
 coin 2: Not listed
 coin 3: Not listed
 coin 4: Not listed
 coin 5: Not listed
 coin 6: Not listed
 coin 7: Not listed
 coin 8: Not listed
 coin 9: Not listed
 coin 10: Not listed
 artefact 1: Not listed
 artefact 2: Not listed
 artefact 3: Not listed
 artefact 4: Not listed
 artefact 5: Not listed
 artefact 6: Not listed
 artefact 7: Not listed
 artefact 8: Not listed
 artefact 9: Not listed
 artefact 10: Not listed
 Location of find-address,city,state,zip,country,county: Not listed
 Location notes: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
Here are some guidelines, you can use to help you to log your waymarks, if you like. You can put a waymark at the centre of the site, or at the location of a random find, or at all your finds so you can put the Latitude and Longitude on a map to see where all your finds or at. The date item was found: Item rating-common,scarce,very rare: Item condition-poor,good,fine,vfine: Estimated value of item found: Item want list-sell,keep,trade: Description of item found: Comments about the item found: Lo