Prested Butchers - Dudley, England.
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member cmiller38
N 55° 03.366 W 001° 35.640
30U E 589811 N 6101937
Located in the main thoroughfare of Dudley. A small village in the North East of England.
Waymark Code: WM145V6
Location: North East England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 04/23/2021
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member woolsox
Views: 1

Located in the main thoroughfare of Dudley. A small village in the North East of England.

We recently moved to the area and have bought our sunday roast from here for the last few weeks. Each one has not disappointed. The staff are super nice and friendly. I am looking forward to trying out some of their specialities in the coming weeks. Like their home made thick burgers, Some of their home made sausages and pies.

They also do cooked food with their produce. I recently tried their big breakfast and it was delicious.
Prested Butchers
22 Market St
Dudley, England
NE23 7HR

Website for shop: [Web Link]

Parking Coordinates: Not Listed

Kosher and/or Kosher Halal: Not listed

House Specialty: Not listed

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cmiller38 visited Prested Butchers - Dudley, England. 04/23/2021 cmiller38 visited it