Oostvoornsemeer -Stormvogel
N 51° 55.920 E 004° 04.915
31U E 574385 N 5754028
The Oostvoornsemeer is a openwater paradise for divers in the Netherlands.
Waymark Code: WM13XJ
Location: Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Date Posted: 01/07/2007
Views: 77
The 'Oostvoornsemeer, was construced in 1966, by closing the Brielse breach (a sea inlet). For the construction of the 'Maasvlakte' up to 1969 sand extraction has taken place. In 1952, on the East side of the lake the Brielse Maasdam was construced and in 1966, on the West side the Brielse breach dam. As from 1973 salt water from the bear canal (1.2 million cubic meter) was let in. By means of the pump builidng on the North side of the lake water can be drained on the Hartelkanaal. Supply of water takes place only with rain water and by means of sweet (ground -) water from the voornse dunes. As a result of bottem extraction the bottem is very capricious. The banks are on a number of places very steep. The floor exists from clay and sand and at some places a some peat. On the floor is itself locally a thin -, well digested mud layer with, in the deepest wells (approx. 43 meters), a cross-section of approx. 50 cm. Along the banks gravel dams have been moored protect the banks against golf attacs. The are some dive centers and a restaurant.
Water Type: Lake
Salinity: Brackish
Access: Shore
Maximum Depth: 43
Typical Visibility: Fair (26-40 ft)
Has Reef?: no
Wreck or Submerged Object?: Multiple
Underwater Life: Not listed
Visit Instructions:
1) To log a visit, at least a picture taken at the surface, including any distinguishing landmarks or buoys if present, is required. While you do not have to enter the water, this is encouraged.
2) If you dive at the site, describe your visit including any details you wish to share such as weather, water temperature, visibility, bottom time, and anything of interest that you observed, living or nonliving.