Henry Ford IMAX Theater, Dearborn, MI
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member WrightStuff
N 42° 18.095 W 083° 14.027
17T E 315875 N 4685677
The Henry Ford IMAX Theater is located on Oakwood Blvd. in Dearborn, MI.
Waymark Code: WM13JC
Location: Michigan, United States
Date Posted: 01/03/2007
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member The Blue Quasar
Views: 370

The IMAX Theater is one of the newest quality attractions at the Henry Ford. The theater shows scientific, natural, and historical documentaries; as well as, major feature films. The Henry Ford IMAX is equipped with IMAX 3D capabilites.
IMAX Theatre Type: IMAX - 3D platform

IMAX Theater (or other) Website: [Web Link]

If not IMAX then what theater format?: Not listed

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veritas vita visited Henry Ford IMAX Theater, Dearborn, MI 06/04/2012 veritas vita visited it
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HaricotVert_52 visited Henry Ford IMAX Theater, Dearborn, MI 07/22/2009 HaricotVert_52 visited it
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Team Farkle 7 visited Henry Ford IMAX Theater, Dearborn, MI 09/22/2007 Team Farkle 7 visited it

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