RUCH 24/7 - Warsaw, Poland
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member sernikk
N 52° 12.783 E 021° 01.313
34U E 501495 N 5784735
First in Poland self-service vending machine created by the company RUCH
Waymark Code: WM13J2X
Location: Mazowieckie, Poland
Date Posted: 12/22/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member lumbricus
Views: 23

We wrzesniu 2020 na pl. Unii Lubelskiej stanal pierwszy w Polsce samoobslugowy kiosk RUCHu. Czynny jest 24 godziny na dobe i umozliwia zakup ponad 175 produktów spozywczych oraz niespozywczych. Posiada on równiez dodatkowy automat do zakupu kawy.
Wiecej informacji: (visit link)

In September 2020, the first of the company RUCH self-service kiosk in Poland was opened at Unii Lubelskiej Square. Open 24/7, enables the purchase of over 175 food and non-food products. It also has an additional coffee machine.
More information: (visit link)

Type: Outdoor

Physical Address:
skwer im. Jacka Kaczmarskiego / Klonowa
Warszawa, Mazowieckie Poland

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