Butterfly and dandelion - Darlington, England
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member cmiller38
N 54° 32.149 W 001° 34.356
30U E 592356 N 6044076
This wrought iron and stained glass butterfly sits atop a three headed dandelion
Waymark Code: WM13CZ4
Location: North East England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 11/10/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member ddirgo
Views: 4

This wrought iron and stained glass butterfly sits atop a three headed dandelion

The butterfly portion stands at 3ft. It was purchased by Bussey & Armstrong builders from blacksmith Brian Russell of Teesdale.

It was originally purchased to be a centrepiece of the West Park development which the company was involved in. However for some reason it never ended up there. it now sits proudly in the centre of the compound of the headquarters of the developers.

At one time thieves climbed in and stole the butterfly section. It was also once showcased at the Bowes museum in Barnard Castle.

Source: (visit link)
Type of insect: Butterfly

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cmiller38 visited Butterfly and dandelion - Darlington, England 11/09/2020 cmiller38 visited it