1905 - Rock 'n' Vapes - Luther, OK - USA
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Max and 99
N 35° 39.991 W 097° 11.425
14S E 663785 N 3948470
A vape shop just off Rt. 66 in Luther is the location of this chronogram.
Waymark Code: WM1368N
Location: Oklahoma, United States
Date Posted: 09/25/2020
Views: 50
Rock 'n' Vapes is located on the south side of Rt. 66, on Dogwood where it curves east towards the city park. The chronogram is painted on the west wall of the building, using all capital letters, with the Roman numerals that are part of the chronogram, a larger size. Added together, these 7 large Roman numerals represent the year 1905, the year that Luther was incorporated.
According to the owner of the building, the structure has been in the family since the 1960's.
From the owner: Birlene Langley purchased the building in 2014 and completely remodeled it so her grandson could put his vape/CBD shop in it. The building sat empty for many years. It was constructed with cinder blocks and was the home of many black widow spiders. It had no plumbing or electrical. Weeds grew thru the cement foundation all the way to the roof. Back in 1968, Birlene's father, Birl Langley, had an automotive shop in the building. Birlene had a special place in her heart for the building so she purchased it. A lot of times they hear car doors shut, and there is no one in the parking lot.
History of the town of Luther, Oklahoma (incorporated in 1905):
visit link)
According to wikipedia:
Luther is a town in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, United States, and a part of the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area. The population was 1,221 at the 2010 census. Sperling Best Places lists the population of 4073 for the 73054 Luther zip code, which includes the town and immediate surrounding area of rural residents.