Gibidumsee - Visperterminen, VS, Switzerland
Posted by: fi67
N 46° 15.462 E 007° 56.407
32T E 418312 N 5123226
Lake Gibidum on 2193 meters above sea level east of Visperterminen.
Waymark Code: WM13091
Location: Valais, Switzerland
Date Posted: 08/19/2020
Views: 1
EN: Lake Gibidum lies about three kilometers east of Visperterminen in a depression at 2193 meters above sea level.
The lake is about 300 by 300 meters and only about two meters deep. That is why it gets pleasantly warm in summer despite its elevation and is popular as a swimming lake. Fishermen also like to visit the lake; the corresponding fishing licenses can be obtained in Visperterminen. The lake contains brown trout, rainbow trout and some arctic char.
Lake Gibidum should not be confused with the Gibidum reservoir. This is about 15 kilometers away in a gorge at the foot of the Aletsch Glacier.
DE: Der Gibidumsee liegt etwa drei Kilometer östlich von Visperterminen in einer Senke auf 2193 Meter über Meer.
Der See ist etwa 300 auf 300 Meter gross und nur etwa zwei Meter tief. Deshalb wird er im Sommer trotz seiner Höhe angenehm warm und ist als Badesee beliegt. Auch Fischer besuchen den See gerne; die entsprechenden Fischereilizenzen lassen sich in Visperterminen beziehen. Der See enthält Bachforellen, Regenbogenforellen und einige Seesaiblinge.
Der Gibidumsee darf nicht mit dem Gibidum-Stausee verwechselt werden. Dieser liegt rund 15 Kilometer entfernt in einer Schlucht am Fuss des Aletschgletschers.
Recommended tackle: rod
Boat required: no
Catch and Release Only: no
FlyFishing Only: no
Recommended fishing methods: Not listed
Parking or Launch Coordinates: Not Listed
USGS Real-Time Water Data: Not listed
Visit Instructions:We would like to hear about your experiance while you were there, what you caught, your fishing methods and tackel! Everyone has there own methods and we can all learn from each other! Post a picture with your log and show off your catch or the place you fished.
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