Saint Francis of Assisi - Erie, PA
N 42° 08.159 W 080° 03.414
17T E 577939 N 4665304
A statue of Saint Francis of Assisi outside of the former Holy Family Convent in Erie, PA
Waymark Code: WM12TH9
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Date Posted: 07/13/2020
Views: 0
This statue of Saint Francis of Assisi stands near the main door to the former Holy Family Convent on East Ninth Street in Erie, PA. The statue depicts St. Francis in a friars habit, looking upward. The Holy Family Convent has been closed for many years, but is still owned by Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, which also owns the former Holy Family School and Holy Family Church next door to the convent.
St. Francis was born in Assisi in the twelfth century. After serving for a time as a soldier, Francis decided to renounce his wealth and all of his worldly goods to live a life of poverty. In 1210, he founded the Order of Friars Minor, also known as the Franciscans. He also founded a religious order for women, the Poor Clares. After a life spent preaching the Gospel, Francis died in 1226 and was canonized in 1228. His feast day is celebrated on October 4th.
Associated Religion(s): Roman Catholic
Statue Location: Holy Family Convent
Entrance Fee: None
Artist: Not listed
Website: Not listed
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Take a picture of the statue. A waymarker and/or GPSr is not required to be in the image but it doesn't hurt.
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