The Ice Is Melting At The Poles - Nyborg, Denmark
N 55° 17.773 E 010° 50.677
32U E 617119 N 6129305
The Ice is Melting at the Poles. It certainly is, Villy! This XL-graffiti at the old ferry harbour in Nyborg, Denmark will bring a smile to the face of every dane. Read on for the full story.
Waymark Code: WM12KE1
Location: Denmark
Date Posted: 06/10/2020
Views: 16
Dansk: Villy Søvndal er en forhenværende dansk udenrigsminister, som repræsenterede Socialistisk Folkeparti i Folketinget fra 1994 til 2013. Flere gange har han skabt overskrifter med sit dårlige engelsk. Et af hans mest berømte citater er, da han i 2009 forsøgte at overbevise danskerne - og resten af verden hvorfor skulle han ellers tale engelsk? - om at miljøkatastrofen var ægte og isen smeltede på polerne. Det lød mere som om han sagde "the ais is smelting at the pewls". Og så selvfølgelig den kendte "high girls and low girls" som nok skulle have været "high goals and low goals". Jo, Søvndals fumlende engelsk og tykke accent var en fest. Og vil klaske et smil i fjæset på enhver dansker. Skriften på det gamle færgeleje kan ses når man ankommer med toget til Fyn eller med bil over Storebæltsbroen. Velkommen til Fyn.
English: Villy Søvndal is a former Danish Foreign Minister who represented the Socialist People's Party in the Parliament from 1994 to 2013. He has made headlines with his poor English several times. One of his most famous quotes is when in 2009 he tried to convince the Danes - and the rest of the world why else should he speak English? - that the environmental disaster was real and the ice melted on the poles. It sounded more like he said "The ais ice melt at the pewls". And then of course the well-known "high girls and low girls" wich probably should have been "high goals and low goals". Yes, Søvndal's fumbling English and thick accent was a party. And will smack a smile on the face of every Dane. The writing of the old ferry can be seen when arriving by train to Funen or by car over the Great Belt Bridge. Welcome to Funen. Have a smile!
Type of Surface: Other
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