Piscina & Sedilia - St James the Great - Claydon, Oxfordshire
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member SMacB
N 52° 08.809 W 001° 20.003
30U E 614035 N 5778677
Piscina and sedilia in the chancel of St James the Great, Claydon.
Waymark Code: WM12K7V
Location: South East England, United Kingdom
Date Posted: 06/09/2020
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member Dorcadion Team
Views: 3

Piscina and sedilia in the chancel of St James the Great, Claydon.

"On the left of the sanctuary is a piscina – a drain where the sacred vessels in use at the Communion are rinsed, and above is a shelf on which the bread and wine are placed before a Communion Service. On the right of the sanctuary are sedilia, dating from the Restoration of 1861. The three seats are for the priest, deacon and sub-deacon at a Communion Service. Above the sedilia is a Perpendicular window of three lights, dating from about 1450. This window is the latest of the medieval work in the church, but appears, from a drawing made before the restoration, to have been shortened to make room for the sedilia. It has still, as it had before 1861, quite a domestic touch – the people who built the church were no doubt the same men who built the village houses."

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Approximate Age of Artefact: Not listed

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