Chugwater Rock Outcroppings - Chugwater, WY
N 41° 45.432 W 104° 49.764
13T E 514182 N 4622833
A Wyoming's Wildlife marker at the rest area on the east side of I 25, within a minute's drive from Chugwater, provides some background about the wildlife you'll see in the area.
Waymark Code: WM12GTJ
Location: Wyoming, United States
Date Posted: 05/25/2020
Views: 1
The marker has an inset of a chipmunk, and the emblem of Wyoming's Wildlife -- "Worth the Watching" -- in the lower left corner. It reads:
Rugged rock outcrops, like those nearby, are clearly visible on the otherwise treeless and lonely plains of Wyoming. Sculpted by years of wind and weather, the rock formations provide a pleasing contrast to the often stark prairie scenery. The rock formations also offer a diversity of habitats, which provide homes for a variety of wildlife, including some animals not normally found on the prairie.
More than 13 species of mammals live in, on or around the rocky formations. Cottontail rabbits, yellow-bellied marmots and least chipmunks are common sights at the outcrops. Other more secretive residents, like plains harvest mice, deer mice, bushy-tailed wood rats and bats, are nocturnal. Reptiles like snakes, lizards and skinks reside in cracks and crevices. Some predators — like the long-tailed weasel, striped skunk and bobcat — hunt the smaller mammals, birds, reptiles and insects that live on the rocks.
Many different species of hawks and owls use the rocky outcroppings as nest sites. Red-tailed hawks and golden eagles nest on ledges, and ferruginous hawks nest on boulders and pillars. The prairie falcon and great-horned owl nest in holes and crevices. These raptors, or birds of prey, help keep small mammal populations in balance. Smaller insect-eating birds, like Say's p[h]oebe, cliff swallows and rock wrens, also nest in and around the rocky cliffs. Other birds, like the rosey finch and raven, come to the rocks in winter, seeking shelter from the wind and cold.
The rocks add contrast to Wyoming’s wildlands scenery, and provide essential habitat for a variety of wildlife.
In the lower left corner, the shield of the Wyoming Game & Fish Department is accompanied by "'Wyoming's Wildlife -- Worth the Watching' is funded in a large part through interest earned from the Wildlife Trust Account."
Marker Name: Chugwater Rock Outcroppings
 Marker Type: City
 Addtional Information: The rest area is open 24/7. Most visitors agree that it's a clean place to stop, with family restrooms, tourist information, picnic areas, and a place to walk your pets. If you have time, go into Chugwater and pay a visit to the folks at the Chugwater Chili Corporation. They make a really nice chili mix!
 Group Responsible for Placement: Wyoming's Wildlife
 Date Dedicated: Not listed
 Marker Number: Not listed
 Web link(s) for additional information: Not listed

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