Stadtturm / Uhrturm - Hardegg, Niederösterreich, Austria
N 48° 51.152 E 015° 51.544
33U E 563019 N 5411418
If you come to the picturesque townlet of Hardegg, in addition to the Castle, the Gothic Stadtturm (or Uhrturm; Clocktower), built in the 14th century as a part of the castle and town defense system, will also attract your attention.
Waymark Code: WM12F45
Location: Niederösterreich, Austria
Date Posted: 05/14/2020
Views: 4
If you come to the picturesque townlet of Hardegg, in addition to the Castle, the Gothic Stadtturm (or Uhrturm; Clocktower), built in the 14th century as a part of the castle and town defense system, will also attract your attention. Stadtturm is an Austrian listed building by Bundesdenkmalamt.
Stadtturm is not organic part of the Hardegg castle, but it also served to defend it. The square prismatic tower, constructed of dark quarry stone, is approx. 15 m high and has a square floor plan of 5×5 m. Tower is finished by a steep shingle roof on which sits a wooden lantern with a bell. The upper tower' part is white plastered today, equipped by a clock on three sides. On the southern wall is a sundial renewed during the last principal reconstruction of the tower in 1928. The remaining beam holes idicate a wooden rampart, which was the part of the tower in the past. Next to the tower was the gate until the beginning of the 19th century, which was the entrance to both the town and the castle.
Country/Land: Austria / Österreich
Original Reference: Niederösterreich, page 159, 18104 Hardegg, Stadt- bzw. Uhrturm, GdstNr. 92
Address: Stadtturm / Uhrturm, Hardegg Stadt 39, 2082 Hardegg, Austria
Year built: 14th century
URL reference: [Web Link]
Additional URL: [Web Link]
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