Andrew N. Johnson
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N 30° 41.384 W 088° 02.888
16R E 399613 N 3395686
Located at Dauphin Street and North Lawrence Street, Mobile
Waymark Code: WM11VF3
Location: Florida, United States
Date Posted: 12/22/2019
Views: 4
Andrew N. Johnson, born 1865 in Marion, Alabama, graduated from Talladega College in 1886, and taught in rural Alabama. On this site in 1894, he established the Mobile Weekly Press, a voice for African-Americans, "A.N.", a powerful member of the Republican Party, attended many national conventions. In 1896, he established Mobile's first Black owned funeral home, the forerunner of Johnson and Allen Mortuary. By 1901, he opened People's Drug Store and hired a managing pharmacist. "A.N." was a major contributor to turn of the century politics and business in Mobile.
Marker Name: Andrew N. Johnson
 Marker Type: Urban
 Addtional Information:: Dora Franklin Finley African-American Heritage Trail
 Marker Number: 1
 Date Dedicated / Placed: Not listed

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