1710 / 1710 / 1814 - Calvariegroup - Schrijnwerkersstraat 22 - Antwerp, Belgium
Posted by: Groundspeak Regular Member kaschper69
N 51° 13.055 E 004° 24.230
31U E 598042 N 5674957
There are three chronograms at the Calvary Group in Schrijnwerkersstraat 22 in Antwerp.
Waymark Code: WM11EEM
Location: Antwerpen, Belgium
Date Posted: 10/08/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Premium Member PISA-caching
Views: 7

The chronogram numbers shown on the website (1720) are unfortunately incorrect.


In the middle of the busy shopping area with modern housing in the background, on the Wilde Zee, in the Schrijnwerkersstraat, there is a beautiful Calvary group. Founded by a devout community, this Calvary decorated the bridge over the Lombardenvest from 1710 onwards. After going into hiding during the French period and being re-established in 1814, it is later transferred to its present location: at a very short distance from its original location.
The original statues from 1710 were gradually replaced around the middle of the 19th century and later again. The two angels were last added, probably shortly after 1900.
The very first statue of Christ is attributed to Jacob Jozef Van der Neer (1718-1794) and the first statues of Mary and John to Joannes De Greef (no life dates known). In 1859 a number of statues were replaced by new ones. Jan-Baptist (i.e. Jan Jozef) Peeters (1804-1885) reworked the statue of Christ and Jos (Eugène Joseph) De Plyn (1827-1898) the statue of John. Furthermore, the last maker of the Printed Mother is known, he signed on the base plate 'TH KOOB / ...ERS' which should be read as 'Th. Koob, Anvers'. When this Mary was replaced is unknown.
In the 1970s, the Christ Corpus and the cross were replaced. The statue is a copy in polyester made by Jos Wilms (1930-1995) and was reinstated in 1977; the statue of Christ from 1859 by Jan-Baptist Peeters was included in the collection of the Museum Vleeshuis.
- The vest is vaulted and thus forms part of the underground molting system. In the past, you could descend into the moult through a door in the wall on which the Calvary was placed. When the square was last rebuilt, the monument was moved forward a little, the window access behind it still exists.
- The angels are missing on the oldest postcards, with photos from shortly before 1900. They are present on photographic postcards from immediately after the turn of the century.
- Work by the author who signed "Th. Koob Anvers" is known between the last quarter of the 19th century and 1920. A statue of Saint John the Baptist in the abbey of Averbode (KIK, M273374) is signed alus."

Translated from (visit link)
Type of numerals used: Roman

Text of the original chronogram: VICInI ChrIsto DoMIno - Door gebUreLIIke LiefDe Is DIt opgereCht - geDenCksChrIft Der hersteLLIng Van Dees KrUYs

English translation of the chronogram: The Neighbours to Christ the Lord - This is what has been done by loving love - memorial to the greatest van Dees Kruys

Pure chronogram?: yes

Natural chronogram?: no

Website explaining the chronogram: [Web Link]

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kaschper69 visited 1710 / 1710 / 1814 - Calvariegroup - Schrijnwerkersstraat 22 - Antwerp, Belgium 10/08/2019 kaschper69 visited it