1733 - Statue of St. John of Nepomuk - Unicov, Czech Republic
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N 49° 46.415 E 017° 06.673
33U E 652008 N 5515595
A chronogram on the pedestal of the statue of St. John of Nepomuk
Waymark Code: WM11E4X
Location: Olomoucký kraj, Czechia
Date Posted: 10/06/2019
Views: 10
The chronogram is located on the sandstone pedestal. The Roman numerals of chronogram are larger than the other letters and are not color-coded from the rest of the text.
The year 1733 from the chronogram referring to erection of the statue.
The chronogram: statVa DIVo IoannI nepoMVCeno eXstrVCta
Saint John of Nepomuk (or John Nepomucene) [Czech: Jan Nepomucký; German: Johannes Nepomuk; Latin: Ioannes (or Ioannis) Nepomucenus (c. 1345 – March 20, 1393) is the saint of Bohemia (Czech Republic), who was drowned in the Vltava river at the behest of Wenceslaus, King of the Romans and King of Bohemia. Later accounts state that he was the confessor of the queen of Bohemia and he refused to divulge the secrets of the confessional. On the basis of this account, John of Nepomuk is considered the first martyr of the Seal of the Confessional, a patron against calumnies and, because of the manner of his death, a protector from floods and drowning.
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Na dvou kamenných stupních nízký hranolový sokl nese podstavec v dolní cásti konvexne rozšírený. V jeho cele oválná kartuš rámovaná akantovými listy, nad ní strapcový záves s pentlí. V kartuši ctyrrádkový latinský nápis. Podstavec ukoncený oblou rímsou. Nad ní projmutá podnož sochy zdobená opet akantem a strapci a ve vrchní cásti oblácky. Ve vrcholu socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého v podživotní velikosti, odena tradicne v knežském rouchu s biretem na hlave. Na pravé paži pridržuje rukama kríž. Kolem hlavy má plechovou svatozár s peticí hvezd. Svetec je znázornen v mírném kontrapostu. Na zadní strane podstavce nápis s letopoctem A. F. F. 1733.