Civil War Era Settlers Memorial - Kirksville, MO
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N 40° 12.230 W 092° 34.418
15T E 536286 N 4450468
Memorial to those who came during and after the Civil War.
Waymark Code: WM11CKR
Location: Missouri, United States
Date Posted: 09/28/2019
Views: 2
County of memorial: Adair County
Location of memorial: US 63, Rotary Park, Kirksville
Marker erected by: Missouri State Highway Commission
Memorial Text:
This land donated by
Geo. W. England Dec'd
In Memory of Civil War Era
MO. State Highway Commission
"The settlers of the first decade came largely from some of the counties south of what is now Adair, particularly Randolph and Howard. Many of them had come to these counties from Kentucky and Tennessee. Some few came directly from Kentucky to Adair County. For the next twenty years after the first decade, we find the new settlers coming from other states also, such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. From Pennsylvania came a German element which founded Ninevah, some account of which will be given in another place. The neighborhood called Illinois Bend, was settled by people from Illinois. From Iowa came a few people. But the main streams of immigration flowed from the Mississippi along Salt River, and from Missouri along the Chariton." ~ submitted by dlbr 11/21/2011 for use by GenealogyTrails.com