Ronny Soenen - Near the lighthouse of Roses, Spain
Posted by: Groundspeak Premium Member Waldog
N 42° 14.767 E 003° 11.000
31T E 515124 N 4677118
Ghost bike is attached to a fence in memory of a Belgian killed in a traffic accident
Waymark Code: WM11CE1
Location: Cataluña, Spain
Date Posted: 09/27/2019
Published By:Groundspeak Regular Member the federation
Views: 7

On October 09, 2016, Ronny Soenen, a 61-year-old Belgian cyclist was hit by a car and lost his life in front of the small lighthouse in the seaside town of Roses.
A ghost bike was attached to a fence in his memory.
Age of victim: 61

Name of the victim: Ronny Soenen

Date of the accident: 10/09/2016

Accident resulted in a fatality: yes

News Article Web Page: [Web Link]

Memorial Web Page: Not listed

Visit Instructions:
It is preferable to log the location if the ghost bike is still there. If you want to note any personal experiences around bike safety you are welcome to do so, or provide a memorial for the victim.
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Mr_Fluke visited Ronny Soenen - Near the lighthouse of Roses, Spain 09/16/2021 Mr_Fluke visited it