A Trail of Tears - Peach Springs, AZ
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N 36° 00.720 W 113° 48.678
12S E 246630 N 3988935
A sign about the trail of tears.
Waymark Code: WM10DK5
Location: Arizona, United States
Date Posted: 04/18/2019
Views: 8
"Before contact with Europeans, the Hualapai world was enormous in
geographical scale and in human diversity, with well developed trade
connections bringing horses, cattle, and European goods. Direct Hualapai contact with Europeans and Americans devastated Hualapai society as settlers, ranchers and missionaries encroached on the Hualapai homeland.
With the discovery of gold, the Hualapai went an the offensive to protect their land. They engaged in guerilla-Style warfare tactics between 1866 and 1868 as a of resistance to the growing influx of ranchers and the United States government. After heavy loses, a peace agreement was signed in 1868 between the United States Government and the Hualapai.
In 1874, lie completely changed for the Hualapaai. The US army at the instructions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs removed Hualapai from their homes against their will and sent them south to bake in the desert of the Colorado River lowlands, a place the officer in charge called the Sahara of the Colorado. Many died on the long walk to La Paz, known as the Hualapai Trail of Tears.
Here the Hualapai were forced to live within the confines of a camp. Many young women were assaulted by the military. Old and young died from exposure, malnutrition, home sickness and disease. Some fled into the desert making their way into Borrego Springs and Baja, California. Others managed to survive and after a year of incarceration those who could escape back to their homes only to find their lands occupied by ranchers.
"Run, run away from here, run home! An elder gave this instruction after hearing the La Paz soldiers say to shoot us all in the camp. The younger ones ran away in the night, forced to leave the elderly and sickly, running away to the familiarity of the canyon. Today we are some of the descendants of those brave ones?
- Hualapai Cultural Scholar"
Routes: Auto Tour
 Address if available: Eagle Point Service Road Peach Springs, CA USA
 Additional Coordinates: Not Listed
 Additional Information: Not listed
 Marker Website: Not listed

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