La Pierre aux 3 Blasons - Artignosc sur Verdon, PACA, France
N 43° 43.764 E 006° 05.703
32T E 266037 N 4845920
Une pierre avec les blasons de 3 seigneurs locaux qui marque la séparation de leurs terres.
A stone with the coats of arms of 3 local lords marking the separation of their lands.
Waymark Code: WM10AH5
Location: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
Date Posted: 04/02/2019
Views: 7
Before being definitively fixed, the boundaries between Montpezat and the neighboring towns of Baudinard and Artignosc gave rise to a multitude of
Disputes and quarrels among the inhabitants of the three villages, so that in 1733 there was verification and restoration of the boundaries of Baudinard
With Montpezat and appointment of experts. In 1739, deputation of the clerk of Montpezat in Aix to consult on the lawsuit brought by the lord
Of Baudinard and the community of Artignosc, concerning the limits of the territory. Finally, in 1742, a settlement was established between the
Of Baudinard, Artignosc and Montpezat, the limits are fixed to the "trifinium", point of junction of the boundaries of the three territories.
And it was in 1743 that a boundary stone was laid at this precise spot in Val Valour.
This stone still exists, it bears on three faces the respective coat of arms of the lords of the 3 territories.
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